“When things are uncertain, stories come in.” – Nick Hennessey
Beyond Words is an online gallery. It’s a year of stories expressed as images, a collaboration by more than a dozen creatives across artforms. Running from 6th September 2022 through the Autumn, we hope you’ll come with us as we share our journey.

Here’s C.A. Savage, our printmaker, to introduce the work and open the gallery in her own words:
“Having lost my partner and finding my art practice as a fine art printmaker had stalled, I became Artist in Residence at Beeston Tales, a thriving storytelling club in Beeston, Nottingham, with the challenge to make one print a month, based on that month’s storyteller, for one year.
Storytellers come from all over Britain to Beeston. The stories told come from the treasure of stories from all the nations and traditions of the world. It resulted in a body of 12 prints and led to much development of my usual technique of collagraph. I will outline for each print how I developed the work.
This is a collaborative project: Mike Payton and @timralphs, storytellers and hosts of Beeston Tales, have worked alongside me to bring this project together, in the face of many challenges, and refocus it online after Lockdown meant no ‘real world’ event. They are two of the twelve storytellers who have now generously retold extracts from their original story. You will hear the voices of these twelve here. They have also shared a precis of the story itself, the bare bones if you like. You can follow us as we post one print and one storyteller a week through the Autumn of 2022.”
Consider following us on Instagram for updates.
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