Year: 2012

  • Gilgamesh receives epic nominations!

    Simon Heywood and I are really excited because our collaborative performance of Gilgamesh has received nominations for the British Awards for Storytelling Excellence. I’m not sure yet if we’ve made the nomination shortlist and I’ll keep you informed. Suffice to say that I am chuffed to bits that we’ve been nominated at all. You can…

  • In which Tim mostly talks about robots…

    Slowly but surely I’m building the Booking Information page. There should now be details up for my performance of The Court of the Queen of Claywood Flats. It is one of my favourite shows and I’m hoping that I’ll still be able to tour it for years to come. On an unrelated note, I’ve been…

  • What’s been keeping Tim Ralphs busy?

    Things have been pretty quiet around here. I’ve finally got around to putting a show description up under the “Booking information” page. You can see that here. This year I’ve got some crazy storytelling projects on the go. I’ve started running lectures and seminars for Sheffield University in the use of narrative techniques for presenting…